Door Industry Journal - Media Pack 2025

payment terms Our payment terms are 30 days from date of invoice. Invoices will be presented just prior to, or upon publication of each issue. Late payment may attract a penalty. If any invoices remain unpaid by the advertising artwork date of the next issue, further advertising will not be accepted. New advertisers will be requested to pay in advance for their first advertisement. Payments from abroad Payments must be made in Pounds Sterling, Euros or US Dollars using the specific currency account details shown on the invoice. The payment must amount to the full value of the invoice after all bank fees and currency exchange charges. The invoice will remain partly paid if bank fees and currency exchange charges are not paid in advance by the advertiser. Please confirm in which currency you wish to be billed at the time of placing orders, otherwise you will be billed in GBP. VAT on Overseas Transactions for Advertising Services UK VAT will not be applied to invoices raised on businesses based within the EU (European Union), Non- EU countries or the USA. Different rules may apply where the recipient of the invoice is deemed to be a consumer or where digital only services are supplied. We will advise accordingly at the time of sale, which may result in UK VAT being applied to the invoice. Method of billing - Important information regarding Series Bookings We have for many years had a policy of rewarding our regular advertisers with lower rates than those offered to one-off and infrequent advertisers by utilising a special billing system. The purpose of the system is to prevent new advertisers taking advantage of our best rates by “promising” to take a full run of three adverts during the publication year only to let us down by not taking their full commitment. To achieve this, all new series booking advertisers are billed for the first advert at 50% of the series booking value, the second advert at 37% and the third at 13% of the series booking value. The table below provides a full explanation of the billing system. media pack 2025 THE door industry journal Also online at: 20 Method of charging for ALL Series Bookings 1st advert 2nd Advert 3rd Advert (April) (August) (December) FP - (Full Page) £2,092.50 £1,548.45 £544.05 HP - (Half Page - Portrait or Landscape) £1,492.50 £1,104.45 £388.05 TP - (Third of a Page - Landscape) £1,162.50 £860.25 £302.25 QP - (Quarter Page - Portrait or Strip) £975.00 £721.50 £253.50 DPS - (Double Full Page Spread) £3,562.50 £2,636.25 £926.25 DHPS - (Double Half Page Spread) £2,542.50 £1,881.45 £661.05 Inside Front Cover £2,512.50 £1,859.25 £653.25 Inside Back Cover £2,512.50 £1,859.25 £653.25 Outside Back Cover £2,625.00 £1,942.50 £682.50 Bespoke Series Booking (Percentage of total price) 50% due 37% due 13% due PLEASE NOTE: An advertiser is defined as one company and not a group of companies.

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