Door Industry Journal - Spring 2012

Also online at: 6 THE door industry journal spring 2012 industry news MAKEOVER FOR CHAMBERLAIN DOORS’ FLEET Nationwide garage door distributors, Chamberlain Doors’ fleet of vehicles have undergone a major makeover. The UK’s only national garage door specialist has broken with more than 30 years of tradition. The all so familiar white livery has now gone to be replaced with a new Silver Design and a complete rebrand of the company’s image. Founder and CEO, Roy Chamberlain commented; “Chamberlain Doors has undertaken a “makeover” as they now say, and rebranded its vehicle Livery along with taking the difficult decision to move from the familiar white vehicle fleet to a new Silver Design”. Not missing the chance to include a comical quip, he continued to say; “They tried to give me a makeover but decided the effort wasn’t worth the result, although the silver hair fitted in well” So when you are out on the road, or next time you take a delivery from Chamberlain Doors, look out for one of their smart new trucks that deliver doors all over the UK, from Lands End to John o’Groats. For more information on Chamberlain Doors visit TECHNICAL SUPPORT IS THE BEDROCK FOR DHF MEMBERS By Bob Perry, executive chairman, Door & Hardware Federation During 2012, the DHF will continue its drive to create more commercial benefit for its members over their non member competitors. But we must not forget that the vast majority of members - as shown by our membership survey last year - rated access to technical support as the main DHF benefit for them. In fact, almost 80 per cent of members who took part in the survey said that the main reason for joining the DHF was the access it gives them to information on technical standards and health & safety issues. So what has been happening on the technical and standards front recently? A great deal, as a matter of fact. Firstly, the DHF Minimum Standards are now in force. This is the guarantee to the market place that if they specify from a DHF member, then that member will perform to minimum standards of competence, customer service and quality. To support this, the technical advisory team has now been expanded to include Don Sowley who is our DHF approved inspector. He will be able to help any manufacturing members needing assistance in achieving third party audited factory production control as part of their Minimum Standards. Don specialises in health & safety and quality assurance. He will be an invaluable addition to the technical team which comprises general manager and secretary Michael Skelding and technical officer Ray Nowell alongside Don. (Readers from page three; the extended article continues from here) The DHF’s library of technical documents and best practice guides available to members continues to grow, as does the number of technical standards being introduced. In recent weeks we have seen: • The DHF Guide to Gate Safety Legislation and Standards, which has just been published by the DHF with the backing of the Health & Safety Executive. It is a comprehensive guide to powered gate safety which has now been adopted as best practice technical guidance by Gate Safe, the industry-led campaign to improve automated gate safety. It informs all those within the industry on the legislation, standards and guidelines that need to be followed to ensure every gate installation is safe. • TS006: This is a new specification for enhanced lifetime performance of hinged and pivot doorsets recently published by the DHF. It was developed so that members could prove to specifiers the long-term performance and fitness for purpose of their doorsets. It was developed jointly with Chiltern Dynamics, the testing and certification organisation, and Exova Warringtonfire, which tests a broad range of doors, windows and hardware products. • TS007: This eagerly-anticipated domestic lock cylinder Kitemark standard jointly developed by DHF and Glass & Glazing Federation features enhanced security performance requirements for replacement lock cylinders and associated security hardware such as handles. It enables lock and hardware manufacturers, suppliers and installers to give vital security assurance to householders.. The DHF is working on other standards. Watch out for the forthcoming publication of TS 008 (a rating for the letter plate, or flap, covering the letterbox opening. This provides resistance to attempts to reach through the aperture to obtain keys or extract postal items Also watch out for TS 009, a security rating for external letterboxes. The Hardware Group is currently working on a Best Practice Guide for Specifying Hardware for Doors, advising the industry on the correct specification of locks and security hardware for complete door security. And the Timber Doorset Group and Metal Doorset Forum are completing the DHF Guide to Specifying CE Marked Doorsets. In conclusion, we at the DHF remain very active in raising new standards which will complement our drive for increased commercial benefits for our members.

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