Door Industry Journal - Summer 2020

Also online at: Domestic Garage Doors 40 THE door industry journal summer 2020 Trojon Moves to Bigger Premises to Meet Industry Demand Trojon Doors – the Leicester-based manufacturer of high-quality roller garage doors - has moved its operation to a larger site to cope with increasing demand. Word has spread across the industry about Trojon’s high- quality, fitter-friendly, electric roller garage doors and great after-sales service, which has led to significant growth. The company is now the fastest growing domestic roller shutter company in the UK. Since 2015 Trojon has seen a constant year on year increase in both trade account customers and sales. This has resulted in the move to a bigger site in Leicester, giving the company the means to both satisfy demand and cope with future expansion. “The fact that we are having to move simply to cope with customer demand is obviously very pleasing and it’s a situation that’s built on our policy of always listening to our customer’s requests and building our doors with the fitter in mind,” explains Tony Spong, Associate Director at Trojon Doors. “This approach is so popular that we have to catch up with ourselves through this move! The new factory is now fully operational, so our employees have the space and facilities to process orders to customer specifications and to the high standards we set ourselves.” Part of the new move includes a renovation project that will showcase Trojon’s premier 77 roller garage door and product ranges for trade customers. There is also a dedicated space for development testing and sharing technical knowledge and product installation knowledge with customers. This is part of Trojon policy of promoting good practice to installation clients using a method of collaborative working. “We believe that installers can learn from us and vice versa, so collaboration is very important,” says Tony. “Being honest and transparent are core values within our business and this is transferred in the dialogue with our customers. Our new premises aid this process as we now have more space to dedicate to our clients.” To find out more about Trojon Roller Doors, visit , call 0116 283 7744, or email Best move ever! It could be your best move too... Have you liked our facebook page yet? We post news everyday!

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