Door Industry Journal - Summer 2020
68 THE door industry journal summer 2020 Also online at: Industrial Doors & Shutters Innovation That’s Breaking All Boundaries NECO are known for being a manufacturer of industrial door components including motors, remote controls and various accessories. However, did you know that the Welsh organisation is also an innovator in the Fire Safety industry? They manufacture and supply fire and smoke curtains, fire rated shutters and steel-hinged doors, under the trading name NECO Fire Gard. Powering through the fire curtain market with a unique patented design. The ever-changing landscape of the market means that NECO Fire Gard have to stay on top of the latest and most constringent fire safety laws, including the latest BS 8524 parts 1 and 2, the most important global standard for active fire curtain barriers. This recent legislation essentially ensures that the fire curtain is tested and fully functions as a coherent piece of machinery, used to safeguard and save lives in the event of a fire. As an organisation, NECO Fire Gard pride themselves on their unique yet innovative fire curtain system that boasts NECO’s very own unique and patented design on the DC Tubular Motor with gravity failsafe feature, making their product offering invaluable in the UK and countries like Indonesia, UAE, Australia, Portugal and Greece from whom they are receiving and completing contracts. NECO Fire Gard have many years under their belt manufacturing and supplying insulated and non-insulated fire shutters and steel hinged fire doors, from their large manufacturing and distribution premises, located a stone’s throw from Cardiff Central Station, at the heart of The Welsh Capital. NECO Fire Gard have perfected a CE marked steel hinged fire door, suitable for industrial, commercial and domestic use. Having exhibited at trade shows in London, Germany, Dubai & Qatar, NECO Fire Gard have built a rapport with many other industry leaders, listening and learning astutely of more detailed standards demanded further afield from Europe. NECO Tubular DC Motors Fire and smoke curtains - Insulated and non-insulated - Up to 4 hours protection
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