Door Industry Journal - Summer 2023

Also online at: 18 THE door industry journal summer 2023 Industry News The Garador Family - Celebrating 75 Years of Manufacturing Garador is the UK’s leading manufacturer of garage doors and also leads the way in employee retention, with long-serving employees who have worked for the company for decades. This year Garador has revealed that the service of their longest-serving 30 employees adds up to an astounding 1,000 years plus of service. When you choose Garador as your supplier of choice you will work with an amazing community of people within our Garador family. The group of Garador’s longest servers includes Robert Dash, who joined the company 40 years ago this year and has some wonderful memories of the workforce then, when the company operated in an old factory where records were kept in typewritten notes and employees were paid weekly in cash. “The changes I have seen have been remarkable,” said Robert. “My father worked here before me, joining in 1968, and he thought Garador was a progressive company then. He never dreamed of the changes I would see; today computers and technology affect nearly every aspect of our working life.” Robert says that despite changes, he still loves his job. “It’s one of the best, most modern garage door manufacturers in Europe,” he said, “but Garador still has a family feel. I love coming into work every day, where I spend a lot of time driving forklifts, loading and unloading our delivery lorries. I also unload coils of steel with an overhead crane and book in the goods for supply to the shop floor.” Garador celebrates its 75th anniversary with the acknowledgement of its longest-serving employees.

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