Door Industry Journal - Summer 2024

Also online at: EPD Environmental Declaration for WI´SNIOWSKI Fencing and Gates Environmental Product Declarations are essential for investors who value the choice of quality and sustainable materials, i.e., products created with the environment in mind. The Polish Building Research Institute has checked the production process used to manufacture WIS´ NIOWSKI fencing and gates and issued appropriate documentation that allows us to proudly boast about the Environmental Product Declaration Type III Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for fencing systems and industrial gates manufactured in Poland. WI´SNIOWSKI products for which an EPD was obtained are fencing, gates, industrial gates, segments and VEGA panels. No by-products are produced in the production process of these elements. Only recycled or recovered raw materials are used to manufacture them. The Environmental Product Declaration allows you to trace in detail the product’s impact on the environment throughout its entire life cycle (LCA— Life Cycle Assessment)—from the acquisition of materials through the production stage, transport, assembly, use, disposal and recycling. Special declaration for WI´SNIOWSKI products The declaration specifies the following parameters: the amount of raw materials necessary to produce the product, the energy consumption of the production process, water and electricity consumption, data on emissions to water, soil and air and the amount of waste generated throughout the entire cycle. This detailed information shows a specific product’s impact on the environment throughout its entire life cycle. Thanks to the EPD declaration, customers who use the products have access to knowledge about their carbon footprint, environmental impact and the raw materials used in the production process. On this basis, they can, among others, assess the entire life cycle of the product and the building itself. This will allow the designer to incorporate sustainable and durable solutions with a view to future emissions that will arise during the operational phase - already at the design stage. Customers, in turn, have access to the EPD declaration, which also allows them to make conscious consumer decisions related to reducing the impact of their investment on the environment. Moreover, the use of products with a type III environmental declaration increases the number of points in the process of green certification of buildings in wellknown programs: BREEAM, LEED and others - said Karolina Dorula-Mamala, Head of the Product Research and Certification Department and ESG Project Manager at WI´SNIOWSKI. Obtaining an EPD declaration is preceded by verification by an accredited and notified certified body; in this case, it was the Building Research Institute. It assesses the product life cycle based on its compliance with the requirements of the standards EN ISO 14025 Environmental labels and declarations type III and EN 15804 Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Basic principles of categorisation of construction products. The recommendation of the Building Research Institute for the type III environmental declaration for gates and fencing systems is a reliable confirmation that WI´SNIOWSKI products are the best choice for sustainable construction – on the Polish and international markets. By introducing products which, on the one hand, are less emissive and, on the other hand, provide competitive technical parameters, WI´SNIOWSKI can significantly reduce the impact of our production processes on the environment. 14 THE door industry journal summer 2024 Industry News

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