Door Industry Journal - Summer 2024

Also online at: 24 THE door industry journal summer 2024 Industry News 2p or Not 2p, THAT is the Question? By Karen Hibbart, Creative Director Raised the daughter of parents who worked in your typical ‘Grace Brothers’ department store, it seemed logical that I would land a Saturday job there and ‘keep it in the family’. I was assigned a position, working in the Soft Furnishings Department. I had a strict upbringing, so respecting people, especially my tyrant boss, was par for the course and for some reason, he watched me like a hawk. One day I remember this really grumpy man and his wife, coming in to buy a complete set of bed linen, pillows and a duvet. It was a huge sale for me and I was very proud. He paid with cash and unbeknown to me, but not to my boss, I overcharged by 2p, but the customer had gone. Swiftly, my boss very firmly instructed me to take 2p from the till and run out into a very busy shopping precinct, find the customer and return his 2p. I did it! I found him! After apologising for my mistake, I handed the man his 2p. All of a sudden, this grumpy man, whom I had served only 30 minutes earlier, changed. His response was “But it is only 2p!”. “But it is your 2p and I made a mistake” I replied. Over the next couple of years, this man always returned to the store to buy anything linen related, towels, sheets etc. from me. Always with a smile and seemingly pleased to see me, as if I was a long lost friend. So what is the point of my story? Every industry has its competitors and a business with a professional identity and reputation for good customer service, can win business from a company that lacks one. Gone are the days of the John Bull Printing Set and polaroids and if I have lost you already, Google it! If your competitor uses professional photography, why would you take snaps on a mobile phone (unless you are really good at it)? If they use a copywriter or an agency to write their articles, why would you rush to cobble something together at the 11th hour, because you have been too busy running your business, leaving you feeling that you forgot something? At the end of the day, you are paying the same for the publicity, so why not get as much for your money, as you possibly can? It’s not just about what you provide, it is more about how it is perceived by the reader. If you go to the supermarket and see the latest BOGOF deal, do you leave the freebie behind because you don’t really need it? Of course you don’t. It is in our chemistry to want to get something for nothing (even if it ends up in the bin, because you couldn’t eat it in time, before it went out of date!). So maximise on your investment. Don’t be a ‘NOT 2p’. Advertising is an investment and you do it to get a return on your money. Presenting your business in a professional manner, shows that you care. Take pride in your business. Treat people in the same way in which you would want to be treated yourself. After all, it costs nothing to be helpful and always do the best job you can, regardless of what your job, or business entails, in an on time, on budget, professional manner. All of my working career, my business has come from referral, many customers having been with me from the start. If you do a good job, chances are your customers will remain loyal to YOU and you will be recommended. Taking this all into consideration, what side are you on? 2p or not 2p, THAT is the question? Have you liked our Facebook and X pages yet? We post news everyday!

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