Door Industry Journal - Summer 2024

Also online at: 26 THE door industry journal summer 2024 Industry News Aberystwyth & Waltham Forest Developments Hailed at Awards Ceremony A development that was previously occupied by 38 unsightly, unsafe and hazardous derelict garages in Aberystwyth has won the small development of the year award at this year’s Secured by Design (SBD) ATLAS awards. The Penparcau redevelopment transformed the locality which previously suffered from anti-social behaviour, criminal damage and arson has now provided 9 one-bedroom flats for affordable (social) rent, each with their own parking space, together with new community parking. The design adopted a modular approach, with all 9 homes being the same unit, set out in a staggered and stacked arrangement to form one cohesive building that provides each flat with its own dedicated amenity area and parking space. A Welsh Government requirement Designing Out Crime Officers from Dyfed-Powys Police were involved from the concept stage of the design, a Welsh Government requirement, with full SBD recommendations incorporated from the outset. Located in one of the 10 most deprived wards in terms of housing in Wales, the development had been chosen by Welsh Government to receive grant funding under the Innovative Housing Programme (IHP), a programme that provides grants to innovative housing of outstanding design. Dyfed-Powys Police Designing Out Crime Officer PC Steve Morris said: “I am delighted that this scheme won this prestigious national award. After the completion of the development total Incidents reported to the police reduced by 46% in the area and anti-social behaviour reports reduced by 75%”. Geraint Roberts a Senior Development Officer for Barcud, the housing association responsible for the development said “This is great news and a testament to everybody involved. An important aim of this scheme from the outset was to not only provide new high-quality homes that people want to live in, but to make a positive contribution to local residents and this award recognises that positive impact.” Daryl Davies the Contracts Manager for the builder, Williams Homes said, “This was a very challenging but enjoyable project to be involved with and it’s great to see it get the recognition it deserves. “We are proud to be able to handover this scheme to Barcud and help make a difference to the local community by providing much needed quality housing.” Inspector Darren Crockford from Dyfed-Powys Police, said: “I personally think that this is a true example of how crime ridden derelict garage sites can be transformed to safe and sustainable homes for future generations. “The development offered an exciting opportunity to significantly enhance the street scene along Heol Dinas by removing unsightly redundant garages and providing a replacement building that is of a high-quality design. It has the potential to uplift existing residential development along this street and make a significant contribution towards regeneration of this area of Penparcau. “The development provides an innovative, well-designed, solution to what was a problematic garage area”. Carbon negative mews A carbon negative mews development in the London Borough of Waltham Forest was highly commended at the same awards ceremony. Situated in one of London’s most popular areas to live, Walthamstow Village, The Arbour is a development of 10 modern and spacious properties just a short walk from Walthamstow Central station. It has been built to be carbon negative over its lifetime, with zero construction waste and energy positive, generating more energy on-site than it consumes on an annual basis, thus incurring no energy bills.

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