Door Industry Journal - Winter 2013

winter 2013 THE door industry journal 11 Hörmann Sectional Garage Doors Attain Secured by Design The break in resistance of Hörmann automatic sectional garage doors has been recognised by the award of Secured by Design status. 25 Jewers Doors Celebrates 30 Years in Business Founded in 1983 by Nigel Jewers, the Bedfordshire-based specialist door company remains a privately owned family company. 43 Garador Hails Shetland Exhibition a Success Garador has attended the northernmost exhibition in the British Isles - the 2013 Ideal Home Show, in Lerwick, Shetland. 51 Architectural Seals Reimagined Lorient unveils a new and exciting range of contemporary architectural seals under the brand name of AURA®. 55 ARGE Raises Concerns with CEN Over Standardisation Delivery ARGE believe positive steps are now being taken by CEN and the European Commission to improve the way product standards are developed and introduced. 62 Securing Asian Elephants at Belfast Zoo System installation proves to be a "breeze" for DHF Powered gate Group member Breezemount Electrical and Hydraulics. 68 Infections in The Workplace How often do you turn up for work whilst feeling poorly, under the weather and not a hundred percent? 71 SuperTech Day Members of the IDA recognise their technicians by joining with their peers to celebrate SuperTech Day. 72 Sometimes it Takes a Rocket Scientist Scientists at Rolls Royce built a gun specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners and military jets all travelling at maximum velocity. The idea is to simulate incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields. Also online at: contents 5 industry news industrial doors garage doors doorsets building hardware powered gates employment & legal across the pond take a break 6 18 27 50 54 62 68 70 72 classifieds/ advertising 73 6 Powered Gate Safety Group is now over 60 strong... and still growing The Powered Gate Group of the Door & Hardware Federation (DHF) is now the largest industry body devoted to improving the safety of powered automatic gates.

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