Door Industry Journal - Winter 2015
THE door industry journal winter 2015 Also online at: garage doors feature 49 GaraRoll is the only spring balanced roller door which uses force limitation built into the operator to ensure the door is always safe to use and Garador say it is aspects like this which really lift their products above the rest. “With their technical leadership and great looks, Garador garage doors definitely added real value to the homes and the overall development,” said Dave. Simon Hipgrave, managing director of Garador, said he was delighted the new development had worked out so well. “We supply many small to medium sized builders and developers,” he said. “Many like the fact that we are based here in the UK, have a straightforward ordering system including full technical support, and a well-engineered product that will stand the test of time.” Garador’s GaraRoll is an aluminium insulated lathed roller garage door which vertically lifts, then rolls into a box at the head of the garage door opening, offering a compact solution for garages that want to retain ceiling space or access to the roof. These doors come with an operator and two hand transmitters as standard and are available in a range of colours and finishes including a timber effect finish. Call 01935 443701 or visit for further information.
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