Door Industry Journal - Winter 2015

Also online at: 51 THE door industry journal winter 2015 garage doors THROUGH THE SQUARE WINDOW Teckentrup has added a new square ‘porthole’ window. The new window is finished in stainless steel and adds contemporary minimalism to Teckentrup’s Carteck range of insulated sectional garage doors and side hinged garage doors. The glazing elements are extremely scratch proof and the SAN 16mm double glazed units are available in clear, structured and opaque. The size of the new unit creates a beautifully proportioned appearance and is particularly effective on solid design doors. For details of the Teckentrup Carteck range call on 01925 924050, visit or email SEVEN SHADES OF GREY BECOMES… EIGHT! Teckentrup’s Trend colours are, as ever, on- trend with the addition of Umbra Grey. The new colour is a classic ‘deep grey’ that is less ‘blue’ than anthracite grey and has a definite ‘heritage’ look to it. The RAL equivalent for Umbra Grey is RAL7022. Umbra Grey is one of eight shades of grey in the Trend colour range that runs to sixteen colours in total. Trend colours are selected shades that have generally come to be considered as the most popular colours for garage doors. The colours are held as coated steel from which door panels are made to order. The process for creating the coloured steel involves coating the steel at the mill during rolling; as a result the finish is very uniform and has a low gloss finish. Jim Rodger commented, “With our Winter Colour Promotion, the Trend range is available to consumers with a saving of up to £420 – colour at white prices is an offer that’s hard to beat!” For details of the Teckentrup Trend range call on 01925 924050, visit or email TRENDY COLOURS ON PROMOTION FROM TECKENTRUP The Carteck Trend colours are just that - the trendiest colours of the moment and Teckentrup offers them as pre-coated colours on all styles and finishes. The current range has fourteen solid colours including black and two micaceous metallic colours in grey and sepia brown. A new addition is Umbra Grey (RAL 7022), which adds a definite heritage note. The Teckentrup winter colour promotion sees all trend coloured panels available at the same price as white, when doors are ordered with a Carteck remote control opener. The promotion saves up to £420 at list price and runs until the end of February 2016 – see their website for the full range of colours For details of the Teckentrup Carteck Winter Trend Promotion call on 01925 924050, visit or email

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