Door Industry Journal - Winter 2015
Also online at: garage doors Mel Lovatt Rides Again! One of the industry’s best-known names - Mel Lovatt - is back in the door sector saddle once again, thanks to a new sales-based role with AlluGuard. This is despite enjoying a retirement party earlier this year, when he left his post as MD at SOMMER UK. The great and the good of the industry gathered to bid Mel farewell in a Blues Brothers-themed bash that nobody will forget! However, Mel is keen to stress that his new role at AlluGuard does not mean he is restarting his career: “I’m not back to work as such, so there won’t be another retirement party – I’m still recovering from the last one!” he says. “The reason I’m helping out at AlluGuard, having turned down other opportunities, is that it’s something I can do on an informal basis to help a company for which I have a lot of respect. “Gary Brooks and Darren Baker approached me with a view to supporting the business and it’s something I’m very happy to do, as they provide a quality product and bend over backwards to help their clients. “I’m not working in a fulltime or permanent capacity, but I am enjoying the challenge of driving sales at a company that does business the way I believe it should be done.” To talk to Mel Lovatt about AlluGuard and its range of roller doors, call him directly on 07775 991696 or email
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