Door Industry Journal - Winter 2015
Also online at: THE door industry journal winter 2015 JD(UK) LTD Unit 2, Vulcan Works, Garage Road, Batley, West Yorkshire WF17 6LL Whether that’s price, quality or speed of service. Look no further!! It’s You!! JD(UK) LTD can walk you through the process to become your own best supplier of roller doors and shutters. More businesses are now manufacturing their own roller garage doors and shutters, making themmore competitive and more importantly improving their margin!! So with a very small investment (possibly the money you save from making your first door) you could be up and running and winning the race with your local competitor! With a wide range of profiles and security locking options, you can customise your product to be different from the crowd, which will also give you that winning edge. It’s easier to manufacture extruded and foam filled roller shutters than you think. We can ensure all your doors will fully comply and be CE marked. So don’t sit back and do nothing, you may be left behind in the race, all it takes to get started is a phone call. Contact us for more details on 01924 472924 or email STRUGGLING TO FIND ROLLER DOORS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS? I n s u l a t e d r o l l e r g a r a g e l a t h E x t r u d e d s h u t t e r l a t h P e r f o r a t e d s h u t t e r l a t h P u n c h e d s h u t t e r l a t h B a r r e l a n d c o m p o n e n t s in the carriage to engage in the event of a power failure. The LED light which is incorporated into the head unit also doubles up as a push button to activate the door. With quality at the heart of products JD and Avanti feel confident to offer a UK industry leading warranty on the T series of 7 Years on the motor and a general 2 years warranty on the unit and rail. So why haven’t you tried one yet? They represent great value for money! For further information and special introductory prices please contact Louis on 01924 472 924 or email All Covered up! Alutech’s unique finger cover protector for the side sprung Trend door (which was launched in July 2015) is proving a big hit with customers and installers alike. These innovative additions to the Trend door mean that once the door is fitted and the spring covers slotted into the frame legs the door is more aesthetically pleasing, but more importantly offers industry leading safety! With a smooth matt black finish, the covers achieve a nice contrast; spring noise is reduced with the cover acting as a natural sound shield and they also provide a partial thermal break between parts of the external frame and the inside of the garage. If you haven’t already tried one of the new Trend doors, you are missing a great opportunity to offer some unique features and cost saving benefits to your customers. For further info on the new Trend door manufactured by Alutech please contact Louis at JD (UK) Ltd on 01924 472 924 or email Leg without spring protection – Familiar? Leg with spring protection, only available from Alutech – which would you prefer?
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