Door Industry Journal - Winter 2016

Also online at: 84 THE door industry journal winter 2016 powered gates EasyGates produce DHF Code of Practice Videos EasyGates, Nationwide electric gate & garage door automation, access control and safety supplier are producing a number of animated videos regarding the DHF Code of Practice. The DHF (Door & Hardware Federation) trade body that represents the UK gate and door industry, released a new code of practice this summer - DHF TS 011:2016. Several key elements of this code of practice have been designed to demystify complex standards and make things clearer for installers and maintainers of gates and barriers to understand. The code is based on best practice and aims to reduce the risks associated with the powered gate to as low as is reasonably practicable. EasyGates have produced a number of animated videos to make it easy to understand the code of practice document, and to show how to practically implement some of the new testing requirements. The videos cover the following subjects: portal area test piece, force testing, swing gate lower rail hazards and swing gate hinge areas. Some videos have already been published at and on YouTube and others will be available to view in the coming weeks. National Sales Manager Stuart Roddy said: “We are a main supplier of electric gate and garage door automation and access control. We are also long standing members of the DHF and feel a huge responsibility to comply and support the new code. “Our in-house studio have the tools available to produce high quality 3D videos and we are happy to spend the time producing these animations to support and share with installers and maintainers”. EasyGates stock over 2,000 products relevant to the electric gate & garage door automation, access control and safety sectors. Customers can get support via phone, live chat and email or refer to manuals online at .

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