Door Industry Journal - Winter 2018

THE door industry journal winter 2018 Also online at: OPEN DOORS New home but same objectives We don’t move offices very often but after 31 years in Heath Street Tamworth we have taken the plunge and relocated to ‘The Barn’ which is about 5 miles away. Heath Street was a good location - handy for the shops and the train station - so why did we move to a rural location? Three words really….space, space and space! dhf has grown significantly over the last 5 years so we simply did not have enough space to accommodate our staff. But equally important was our requirement to have our own on site training facility with parking for up to 40 cars. Try getting that in Tamworth or any other town centre! So, we’ve had a new home from September and we have settled in quite quickly and it is really pleasing to see the Training Academy facility already being used nearly every day for training courses and meetings. But what about dhf ’s objectives? They remain the same…raising standards, delivering training and helping our members with compliancy and safety issues. Yes, we keep on ‘banging the drum’ about safety and compliancy and we will continue to do so. As I write this article (24th October) I am also reading the inquest findings of a woman crushed to death by a car park shutter in Cambridge in 2016. The inquest jury recorded death by misadventure, but the jury also said that if the shutters sensors had been ‘configured and maintained correctly’ that they should have stopped the door but did not. That’s why dhf takes safety and compliancy so seriously. Bob Perry, dhf CEO A regular comment column, brought to you by Bob Perry, CEO, Door and Hardware Federation For more information, please visit Hörmann UK raises over £45,000 for Alzheimer’s Society Hörmann UK has announced that since it began working with Alzheimer’s Society in 2014, it has raised £45,759 for the charity by undertaking several challenges and fundraising activities. Having put their creativity to the test, staff have undertaken challenges such as walking the Leicestershire Round, competing in a 5km and 10km obstacle race, taking part in a bake off, and much more. Commenting on the partnership with Hörmann, Ray Nash, senior regional corporate fundraising executive at Alzheimer’s Society said: “We are extremely grateful for all the support we’ve received from everyone at Hörmann UK over the last four years. It’s brought us great joy to see all the different ways they’ve raised money for us and the final sum is incredible. On behalf of everyone at Alzheimer’s Society, I would like to say a big thank you to the Hörmann UK team for all their fundraising efforts.” David O’Mara, marketing manager at Hörmann UK, said: “When we first started working with Alzheimer’s Society, many of our employees weren’t aware of the disease, so we’re really proud to have played a part in helping raise awareness both internally and externally. In addition to this, everyone in the business not only has a greater understanding of it but they know the symptoms to look out for. We have thoroughly enjoyed taking on the challenges to help raise as much money as possible for such a worthy cause and we look forward to supporting Alzheimer’s Society in the future.” Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia support and research charity for anyone affected by any form of dementia across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Details on the charity’s work are available at . Hörmann UK supports a range of charities and local causes, for more information visit .

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