Door Industry Journal - Winter 2019

Also online at: 28 THE door industry journal winter 2019 Industry News Three New London Developments Will Meet the Secured by Design (SBD) ‘Silver Award’ Crime Prevention Standards Nearly 24,000 new homes on three developments to the North and East of London are all going to meet the Secured by Design (SBD) ‘Silver Award’ crime prevention standards. This means they will all have doors, windows and locks that are sufficiently robust quality to deter criminal activity, reduce crime and help residents to be safe and secure. Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs) working for the Metropolitan Police have ensured that this security standard has been written into the respective local authority planning conditions. As each of the developments progresses, these officers will be seeking to achieve the SBD Gold Award on appropriate development plots. This would mean crime prevention design techniques being applied to the layout and landscaping too, such as maximising natural surveillance, creating defensible space and limiting excessive through movement. Residential developments that have SBD crime prevention measures included in the physical security of buildings and their layout and landscaping, have been proven to reduce crime by up to 87% for each and every year in the lifetime of a development. This is not only good news for residents but also for hard-pressed police forces. More than one million new homes have been built around the UK to SBD crime prevention standards over the last 20 years. Each with its own new railway station, the developments are at: Barking Riverside: The 10,800 new homes situated on the site of the former Barking Power Station, is one of the largest housing schemes in Europe. It will have seven new schools as well as shops, restaurants, leisure, healthcare and community facilities. The project is being delivered by Barking Riverside Limited, a partnership between L&Q, one of the UK’s leading housing associations, and the Greater London Authority. Building work started on the 443-acre site in 2017 and is due to be completed in 2032. Beam Park: A 12-year development of 3,000 homes beside the River Beam in East London on part of the former Beam Park London Build Barking Riverside London Build

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