Door Industry Journal - Winter 2019

Spares | Door-sets | Panels | Service DOCO - industrial and residential door gear solutions Whether you need a complete door set or a replacement part for an existing door, give DOCO a call. They hold a strong stock of door spares, including springs and rollers. DOCO also stock Kingspan panels in the popular colours which can be cut to size prior to delivery or collection. For a customer emergency, they can: • supply door service spares on a next day delivery • deliver cut to size panels within 48 hours, or ready to collect within 24 hours For industrial door operators they also stock the robust and reliable SOMMER GIGAsedo, GIGAroll and GIGAspeed and the new GIGAcontrol, control unit. DOCO’s stocks will help you to keep your service levels high so your customers will be happy and their premises secure! And, if you need a complete industrial door SOMMER DOCO UK can supply them! Whether it’s industrial door spares, replacement panels or a complete industrial door, just give Mark or Lee a call detailing your requirements and they’ll be able to give advice and get straight back with a quote! Tel: 01904 607869 – Also online at: Industrial Doors & Shutters

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