Door Industry Journal - Winter 2020
Also online at: Industrial Doors & Shutters Push & Pull Perfectly suited for industrial settings where separate work environments demand quick and flexible access. These doors ensure high opening speeds, which can be regulated by inverter frequency inverters, reducing the time required to move goods. Push & Pull self-repairing doors are also very easy to clean and maintain. The door panel rides effortlessly within a track, thanks to the special profile and hinge designed by BMP. The panel is neatly rolled up and conveniently tucked away within the upper crossbeam. Why choose BMP High Speed Doors? Having been designing and manufacturing quality doors since 1997, BMP has grown considerably and now installs more than 15,000 high-speed doors around the world each year, which corresponds to approximately 9% of the world market of industrial doors. BMP is focused on solving complex logistical challenges for its diverse client base, ensuring safe handling in accordance with applicable law under the EC European standards. With a deep commitment to delivering ground-breaking design and dependable customer service, more than 1,000,000 BMP high-speed doors have been installed throughout the world, and the addition of the B-Drive doors will only improve BMP’s ability to solve complex problems of separation, speed and delimitation. Speaking of BMP’s extensive product range and commitment to helping customers create safe and smooth operations, CEO Danilo Benotto said: “Our customers are important, that is why, through our network of technicians available throughout the country, we provide technical support to select, install and maintain our products. We help any company to solve the most diverse and complex issues, offering logistical solutions both for loading and unloading areas and for warehouses in general”. Doors suitable for all sectors From hangars to plants, cold rooms, airports, distribution centres, warehouses, supermarkets, workshops and automotive centres, BMP looks at every new project with fresh eyes because “every environment is unique, requiring a custom solution”. As the DynamicRoll ® range continues to grow, with more products that can be customised to every need, BMP continues to make significant investments in research and development to maintain reliability and the excellent quality of their products, which are all made In Italy and certified by CSI. BMP also manufacture roll-up doors, high-speed doors, commercial doors, insulated doors, roller shutters, electroactive retractable tunnels, hangar doors and generally any type of industrial doors, with an efficient after-sales support service. If you’re interested in learning more about BMP’s new B-Drive doors or you wish to discover their complete products portfolio, please visit . You can also call their team for further information on +44 01908 760122 , or email .
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